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LivingStone Antique Welsh Midnight Flooring

LivingStone Antique Welsh Midnight Flooring Flagstones have a non-slip surface and wonderful deep charcoal tones to add class to any interior space.
£30.00 per m2 (£36.00 Inc VAT)
Pack Size: 18.9m2 - £567.00 What's in a pack?
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LivingStone Antique Welsh Midnight Flooring Flagstones have deep grey and black tones and an antiqued surface that sits equally well in both traditional and modern interiors. Limestone is hard wearing and makes a practical stone floor choice.
What's in a pack?
900mm x600mm 16 units 600mm x600mm 16 units 600mm x300mm 16 units 300mm x300mm 12 units
Weight 580.00 kgs
Suitability Bathroom, Kitchen, Hallway, Living Room, Bedroom, Wet room, Conservatory
Style Contemporary, Timeless
Thickness 22mm
Calibrated No
Material Limestone
Brand LivingStone
Edge Finish Antique / Tumbled
Surface Finish Antique/Tumbled
Indoor, Outdoor Indoor


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