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Westminster Stone Lancashire Mill Flooring

Westminster Stone's Lancashire Mill Flooring is a durable interior flagstone with deep green/grey hues that are perfect for areas of heavy footfall.
£57.00 per m2 (£68.40 Inc VAT)
Pack Size: 10m2 - £570.00 What's in a pack?
Available In 3 - 5 weeks

This product is only available to purchase in packs, part pack option not available

Reproduced in detail from reclaimed 19th century textile mill floors, Westminster Stone Lancashire Mill Flooring flags will instantly add charm and heritage to any space. The 10 sizes help create many varied patterns which adds to the authenticity of these excellent reproductions. This versatile stone flooring works equally well in the home and commercial settings.
Westminster Stone Lancashire Mill Flooring | Proudly Manufactured in Britain
What's in a pack?
915mm x610mm 3 units 915mm x457mm 3 units 762mm x610mm 3 units 762mm x457mm 3 units 610mm x610mm 3 units 610mm x457mm 4 units 610mm x305mm 4 units 457mm x457mm 4 units 457mm x305mm 4 units 305mm x305mm 3 units
Weight 580.00 kgs
Suitability Bathroom, Kitchen, Hallway, Living Room, Bedroom, Conservatory
Style Traditional
Thickness 25mm
Calibrated No
Material Stonecast - What is this?
Brand Westminster Stone Company
Edge Finish Antique / Tumbled
Surface Finish Worn/Weathered
Indoor, Outdoor Indoor


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