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Livingstone Antique Cottage Grey Flagstones

LivingStone Antique Cottage Grey Flagstones are limestone paving slabs for creating a traditional and timeless ambience in any garden setting.

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LivingStone Antique Cottage Grey Flagstones are limestone paving slabs for creating a traditional and timeless ambience in any garden setting.. Antique Cottage Grey garden paving slabs are tumbled for a uniquely aged and beautifully textured surface, lending well to traditional and period properties where a more established patio look is desired. The cool mid grey colour is fairly consistent across tiles and will also sit well in more contemporary exterior settings, adding the warmth of traditional texture to a cool colour palette. This beautifully versatile flagstone is ideal for patios, walkways and garden rooms.

Suitability Patio, Path, Balcony, Swimming Pool
Style Contemporary, Timeless
Thickness 25mm
Calibrated Yes
Material Limestone
Edge Finish Antique / Tumbled
Surface Finish Antique/Tumbled
Indoor, Outdoor Outdoor


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