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Global Stone Small Size Porcelain Paving - Aran Black

Global Stone Aran Black Porcelain Small Size Series. A low maintenance paving solution. Perfect for driveways, pathways and courtyards. The lastest addition to Global Stone's porcelain collection. Extremely hardwearing, anti-slip texture and stylish. Aran black displays stunning mottle shades of grey and black that will not fade in the sunlight or with cleaning. An extremely versatile product also used for edgings and features.

From £63.00 per m2 (£75.60 Inc VAT)

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1 Choose Pack Size
200mm x 200mm (19.2m2) What's Included
£64.57 per m2
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200 x 200
480 units
300mm x 200mm (21.21m2) What's Included
£63.00 per m2
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300 x 200
352 units

Global Stone Premium Porcelain Small Size Series Aran Black. A versatile and beautiful Porcelain paving option, Aran Black is perfect for bespoke garden projects and designs. 

Global Stone’s Premium Porcelain Small Size Series is available in two sizes, 200 x 200mm and 200 x 300mm, and five stylish colours making it an extremely functional and versatile Porcelain paving option. Aran Black displays beautiful mottled shades of greys and black that will not fade in the sunlight or with cleaning.  

Perfect for a range of outdoor projects and designs, including driveways, pathways and courtyards, this versatile Porcelain’s small size means it can also be used for edgings and features. Durable and easy to maintain, this series comes with a slip resistant textured surface. Add some style and functionality to your driveway with this low maintenance Porcelain in Aran Black.   

Suitability Patio, Path, Driveway
Style Contemporary
Thickness 20mm
Calibrated Yes
Material Porcelain
Edge Finish Sawn / Straight
Surface Finish Lightly Textured
Indoor, Outdoor Outdoor


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