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Hand Cut Honey Cathedral Limestone Paving

Durable and hard wearing, Hand Cut Honey Cathedral Paving Slabs are a classic limestone patio choice and one of our best selling flagstones.

From £31.00 per m2 (£37.20 Inc VAT)

Stock Item
1 Choose Pack Size
Mixed (16.75m2) What's Included
£40.00 per m2
In Stock
855 x 570
13 units
570 x 570
12 units
570 x 425
14 units
570 x 285
14 units
285 x 285
12 units
855mm x 570mm (12.25m2) What's Included
£40.00 per m2
In Stock
855 x 570
25 units
570mm x 570mm (12.99m2) What's Included
£31.00 per m2
In Stock
570 x 570
40 units
2 Choose Quantity

Hand-cut limestone paving adds a distinctive warmth that brightens and elevates outdoor spaces. The unique surface texture and hand-fettled edges provide a rustic and distinctive appearance that complements both traditional and contemporary gardens alike. Honey Cathedral Paving can be laid in uniform or irregular patterns to achieve distinctive appearances.

Suitability Patio, Path, Balcony, Swimming Pool
Style Traditional, Contemporary, Timeless
Thickness 25mm
Calibrated No
Material Limestone
Edge Finish Handcut / Natural
Surface Finish Lightly Textured
Indoor, Outdoor Outdoor


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