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Westminster Stone Old Cotswold Flooring

Old Cotswold Flooring is perfect for traditional English homes, with it's buff hues adding a subtle warmth to any interior space.
£57.00 per m2 (£68.40 Inc VAT)
Pack Size: 10m2 - £570.00 What's in a pack?
Available In 4 - 6 weeks

This product is only available to purchase in packs, part pack option not available

Hand crafted by Westminster Stone in the UK, Old Cotswold Flooring is supplied in a selection of 10 modular sizes that allow one to create timeless random patterns. These beautiful fibre reinforced flagstones have a worn and weathered surface finish, as if they've been laid for years.
Westminster Stone Old Cotswold Flooring | Proudly Manufactured in Britain
What's in a pack?
915mm x610mm 3 units 915mm x457mm 3 units 762mm x610mm 3 units 762mm x457mm 3 units 610mm x610mm 3 units 610mm x457mm 4 units 610mm x305mm 4 units 457mm x457mm 4 units 457mm x305mm 4 units 305mm x305mm 3 units
Weight 590.00 kgs
Suitability Bathroom, Kitchen, Hallway, Living Room, Bedroom, Conservatory
Style Traditional, Timeless
Thickness 25mm
Calibrated No
Material Stonecast - What is this?
Brand Westminster Stone Company
Edge Finish Handcut / Natural
Surface Finish Worn/Weathered
Indoor, Outdoor Indoor


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